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How many people?

Where do you want to stay?

Camping Village

Camping Villaggio Rio Verde

Costacciaro (PG) - Umbria

Guests appreciate

Disabled Access

Pets allowed

Pitch Campervan



Pitch » Small Tent

Max 2 guests See detail

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Pitch » Camper

Max 6 guests See detail

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Pitch » Caravan

Max 6 guests See detail

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Bungalow » 2 people

Max 2 guests See detail

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Bungalow » 4 people

Max 4 guests See detail

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Pitch » Medium Tent

Max 4 guests See detail

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Pitch » Big Tent

Max 8 guests See detail

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Pitch » Large Camper

Max 6 guests See detail

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Pitch » Large Caravan

Max 6 guests See detail

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No extra fees

Verified campsite information

Travel insurance included!





Pets allowed?

Yes, pets are allowed on the campsite and in the village.

Cancel / Confirmatory deposit?

If the cancellation occurs within 15 days before the start of the stay there are no penalties, otherwise the deposit paid is lost.

Accepted creditcards?

Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Bancomat, American Express.

Half Board or Full Board treatment?

Yes, both treatments are available.

Accommodations are air-conditioned?


Is there an entertainment service or mini club?

Is not present.

The pool is suitable for children?

Yes, the pool is suitable for children.

The use of the swimming pool is included in the price?

Yes, the swimming pool is included.

How far is the Camping from the beach?

The property is 70 km from the sea.

How far is the village from the nearest city center?

3 km.

Accommodations are equipped with TV?


Is there a Club card to pay?

No, there is no paid card.

Hot showers are to be paid?


Final cleaning is included in the price?

No, the final cleaning costs Euro 20.00.

Fill the form to contact the structure


Thank you, your message has been sent and the structure will answer you as soon as possible!
Happy holidays with CampingItalia!

Rio Verde is located in the Monte Cucco Natural Park in a small valley which hosts the Chiascio creek.The altitude is only 500 metres above sea level, but the place is surrounded by mountains, even in the summer evenings, the weather is cool thanks to the thick vegetation wich characterizes the camping area.
It is the ideal place to enjoy nature, relax or practice sports in the calm countryside.It is a paradise for children.
At the little restaurant nearby the swimming pool you can taste the typical dishes of the area, together with good wines from the region.
Early in the morning you can smell the aroma of fresh bread and sweet croissants.



