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Camping Village

Camping Toscolano

TOSCOLANO (BS) (BS) - Lombardie

Apprécié par les clients

Animaux acceptés

Emplacement Comfort 1/6 Pers.

Max 6 personnes Voir le détail

Emplacement au Lac 1/6 Pers.

Max 6 personnes Voir le détail

Chalet » Chalet Standard 5 Pers.

Max 5 personnes Voir le détail

Chalet » Chalet Luxus 8x3 5 Pers.

Max 5 personnes Voir le détail

Pas de frais supplémentaires

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Bonnes vacances avec CampingItalia!

Camping Toscolano is located in an idyllic atmosphere within the ancient walls of the abbey of Toscolano Maderno, directly on the beach, on the west coast of Lake Garda. Reclaimed from within the internal walls of an ancient Benedictine conventof the 14th Century, the Campsite Toscolano is immersed in a large park of flowers and shade.
It is a particularly calm and panoramic position. Our offer is composed of spacious pitches, modern bathrooms as well as the possibility of staying in very new chalets and bungalows of diverse sizes and types. Thelarge swimming pool, equipped with sunbeds and umbrellas, is a really fun place for lovers of swimming and sun.


